The Boris Wild Marked Deck Project is a 2-DVD set (or download) from the excellent chaps at Big Blind Media which explores in great detail the magic you can create with this excellent tool. Boris Wild’s name is more or less synonymous with the Marked Deck – so you already know that it’s going to be a worthwhile resource. The 2 DVDs run to over 4 hours playing time – so we’re not going to be able to cover ever last detail. With that in mind, let’s get straight into our review.
Disk 1
The first DVD starts by explaining a little about the history of the marked deck and how and why Boris Wild created this deck. He explains exactly how it works and how you can make (or customise) your own – although these days you would probably find it just as easy to buy one ready printed (also available in Red Backed Bicycle or in Phoenix Deck Standard or Large Index).
Basic Uses
After the history come lots of helpful handling tips. These are great especially if you’ve never used a marked deck before. But even if you have, they also cover some specific aspects of this system.
The next section is really a bit of a plug for further resources. All the effects taught on this DVD can be done with a shuffled deck. But when you add other ideas such as a stacked deck then the possibilities really do multiply. And so Boris points you towards his book, Transparency, which explores some of these things in more detail.
Incidentally, if you like the idea of combining marked and stacked decks, you might like to look at Luke Jermay’s Marksman Deck – which is a bit like the Boris Wild Marked Deck on steroids!
More General Ideas
Boris also explains how his deck can function as a Safety Net. Yes, that’s right, a marked deck in everyday use can be useful when falling off a tight rope. OK, so not strictly speaking for falling off a tight rope – but it can be helpful as an ‘out’ in other magical disasters.
Boris also covers some work on the cull – which I as far as I can recall is identical to the material on his Sensations DVD.
Lots of routines
There are several really strong routines taught over the 2 DVDs. In truth a marked deck is one of those things that laymen think they know about. So a good presentation which completely obscures what you might be doing is a massive bonus. And you have that in spades on this set.
In one routine you appear to memorise a deck. In another incredible trick the spectator literally does all the work and yet still locates their card. And then another version where they repeat it!
These are all very simple in method and yet the presentation sells them and makes them remarkable.
There’s a very clever sandwich location effect – which also teaches you another sly way of allowing the spectator just to peak a card and yet for you to know its identity.
Inexplicable is an exceptionally strong prediction effect. You’ll need to be comfortable with a bit of jazzing– but the result is an absolute corker.
Invisible but marked is a very clean invisible deck type presentation using the Boris Wild Marked Deck.
Puracaan – which also on Sensastions set – as we’ve said before is a neat solution to the classic ACAAN effect.
I don’t know how many of these effects have been taught before on Boris’ earlier releases (apart from the ones I have mentioned) – but they are all worth spending some time on.
Final Thoughts
The performance setting can often make a big difference to a release like this, and I love that most of the performances are live (with the remainder in the studio).
Boris’ style is very different from most of the magicians releasing effects these days. His routines tend to be longer because he talks a lot! Perhaps it is the ‘French’ way? But I really enjoy the change of pace. And you will learn a lot about presentation and audience management by watching this experienced magician perform. And given that most of the effects are all about the sell it is great to see him work his magic!
If you don’t yet do any marked deck magic, this would be a great place to start. It will get you working like a pro! My only frustration is that there doesn’t seem to be a bundle including the deck – so you will have to make a separate purchase. EDIT – D’oh – yes there is – the link below is to the bundle including the deck!
If you already do some marked deck magic then it is still well worth a look – because there are some very different kinds of routines on here and it is a great chance to learn from someone who lives and breathes marked deck magic.
All in all another great release from Big Blind Media. You can pick up the Boris Wild Marked Deck project direct from Big Blind Media (who kindly supplied the review copy) for £34.99 at the time of writing.
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